Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Earth Flag VS the American Flag

Troops Home Fast Day 22

No one needs to desecrate the American flag because it has been desecrated by the lies and injustices our so-called leaders have committed through the centuries. Maybe some Americans think that the flag covers up the weapons of mass destruction that they produce and sell throughout the world all the while pretending to be peace makers in places like Iraq. Maybe they think that waving the flag in front of your faces blinds us to see the social inequalities and hypocrisies of actions like what recently happened when republican senators voted against raising the minimum wage to 7.25 an hour while voting yes to increase their own wages to every five years to total $28, 500. As Gandhi said, “poverty is the worst kind of violence.” The American Flag represents a killing machine where most of US tax money goes into the military budget used to dominate the rest of the world with its nuclear terrorism.

It is our duty as citizens of the world to work to replace symbols of oppression such as the American Flag with symbols of truth like the Earth Flag. I pledge my alliance to the whole Earth, never to a killer nation-state. To nationalists the American flag represents their “civic religion.” For me the Earth Flag represents the Gaia Religion, a philosophy of whole systems design that feeds the world while providing universal education to all. It is a religion that builds ecological cities for the poor and eventually eliminates the concept of poverty altogether. The Earth is held hostage to the American Flag. It is time to liberate the planet and wave the flag that symbolizes our cosmic truth. We were born planetary citizens who share the air, water, and earth with all the other creatures of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Put the bong down! Get your hands in the air and step away from the Bong!!!