Hello Folks,
I'm getting serious about getting my Lovolution Village Podcast going. Today I've spent hours researching how to do it. I think I have all the necessary equipment, but the technological stuff is still bugging me. So this post is a test. Can you download this podcast?. It still have to figure out the RSS stuff.
It seems to download just fine
self-actualization and global enlightment? maybe you should work instead on coming across less pretentious. spent 5 minutes on your site and it's sad that you're so deluded to think the world needs saving and you and a small group of others are the only ones who know how to do it. you're clearly an ego-maniac who loves to hear herself talk. consider educating yourself.
Libby I am listening now to the pod cast.
It works!
You have some good points about gated community and the idea of evolutionary architecture also focus on what kind of community we want in terms of an alternative to corporate town and also considering that "not impressed" has a voice too.
For the way to address "not impressed" is to focus more on being the change you want to see. I do feel thus we have to talk about what we are doing - besides talking about the problem and potential solutions - to address these problems.
yes, it works!!! :)
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