Sunday, October 07, 2007

"Keeping it Down" at the Edinburgh Festival

Wayne writes:

I found these reviews of a one woman play called "Keeping it Down" that played at the Edinburgh Festival. Neutopia has never heard of the Brooklyn-based actress, Laura Berlin Singer, has never been contacted by her and knew nothing about the show.

IN THIS one-woman show inspired by left-wing US radical Doctress Neutopia, Laura Berlin Stinger is compellingly earnest as the Doctress, but the ideas behind this exposé of consumerist culture never quite come together.

The one woman play now showing at the Edinburgh Festival depicts an anti-nuclear activist living in the desert outside New Mexico who has her own cable TV show.

Provocative, surreal, a one-woman cable-access show.
Doctress Neutopia, new-age visionary from the deserts of America.

Neutopia: I grateful for Laura for making this play happen. I would like to see a sequel called, "Liberating It."

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