Naomi Klein:
We lost because we were crushed. Sometimes we were crushed by army tanks, and sometimes we were crushed by think tanks. And by think tanks, I mean the people who are paid to think by the makers of tanks.
Doctress Neutopia:
We all have different ways of perceiving reality and ways the system crushes us. From my point of view, I’ve been crushed by places like Common Dreams and the other left wing gate keepers of information who have repeatedly rejected my essays for years. My vision is part of the collective dream of humanity, but to get it viewed, discussed, and debated within the channels of the left wing intelligencia has been impossible. Such a reality has been crushing. Perhaps the rejection is even more crushing than being crushed by conservative think tanks because the editors who have rejected my work are people whom I thought were helping in my liberation, the liberation of humanity.
The vision inside me of building a network of arcologies (ecological cities) grows more necessary each day. For my vision to survive the crushing pain of being ignored from the left wing media, I’ve had to think outside places like Common Dream, Znet, Truth Out, Buzz Flash, Alternet and become the alternative to the alternative. Being locked out of progressive media has forced me to build my own web site, produce a cable TV show, and now I am starting a podcast devoted to delivering the message I have of building a design/science Lovolution.
Common Dreams has improved its forum now that it allows people to make comments on its creative minority’s essays. At least now intellectual peasants—like my self-- have a voice within the comment box! I don’t know what it takes for an unknown woman to break into a place where her words get read. If the Left will not support you, who will?
There are two classes of people on Common Dreams, the essayists and those who make comments. We will stop being crushed and our movement will flourish when we have a true meritocracy of great ideas. In such a world, the voices and words of every genius is read, heard, respected, acted upon, and loved.
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