Galway, Ireland
Today we went to the Church in Galway where it is said that Chris Columbus prayed before making his way across the Atlantic to America. While in the Church, I wondered what he had dreamed about and if his dream had come true. Had the dreamed that he would find a way to exploit all the resources of North America and that he would make an elite few rich? What exactly did he pray for? A safe journey to the New World? An end to the savage Indians?
Well, I'm tired. I better say good night.
there is a song by the Pogues about being in a holiday pirit while being in a LTR,"the boys of the NYPD were singing Galway Bay and the bells were ringing out for Christmas day" I remember a beautiful American woman I met in Dublin who said she lived in Galway but had pulled a knife on a french guy who was going to assault her. Despite that she loved Galway. As for Christopher Columbus and the Americas, it's auspicious synchronicity that he would be in a very religious catholic place which Ireland is the epitome, the quintessential super catholic vortex of super catholicism. Now the indigenous people of the Americas did have a rough time of imperialism and colonialism...not unlike the Irish. The Irish were subjugated for 800+ years. They were not allowed to own land, speak their language, play their musical instruments, get an education, have work--Irish people were about as bad off as the native americans, esp during the Great Famine. I do believe that the statue of liberty should be pulled down the same way Saddam Husseins and Stalins statues were pulled down. Most Irish people who came to america on the death ships saw the statue of liberty (masonic symbol that it is)missing home, starving, own relatives emmigrated from the Faerie Island to USA-- and if it wasn't for Columbus or the Vikings or the Chinese whoever "discovered" this place america--my ancestors would not have had the Manifest Destiny etc to come to this country and make the best out of a 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other situation. I think Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes sheds light on one Irish success story. The eastern way is to be the unmoved mover in the center of the wheel-- the indians were murdered in an underpublisized holocaust--and it is horrible. The fact is that something good comes out of something bad. The Irish thrived in america and supposedly poor Chris thought he was in India!
I completely agree and would welcome conversation with this genius, Juliet Calabrese. LeAnne Ray in Naperville
it takes a genius to know one--- when a true genius appears,you will know it by this sign, that the dunces of the world , are all in confederacy against him. -Johnathan Swift (a great Irishman) this is to acknowledge that the utopia of our lives is our destiny and being artists of life we create our reality, be that in Dublin, in a lighthouse in Scotland, in Evanston, in Chicago, in Naperville- we are the geniuses that revolutionize the way this paradigm will shift to a higher conciousness-- it's all about the love--------- it's all about the love. LeAnne Ray welcome home.
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